Magnesium L-Threonate Supplements May Boost Memory, Attention Span, and Concentration

What is Magnesium?

Magnesium is an important mineral because it is required for many biochemical reactions within the body as well as maintaining normal brain function. Magnesium L-Threonate is a special form of magnesium designed to cross the blood brain barrier more effectively than other forms of magnesium.

Magnesium Deficiency and Mental Confusion

Low levels of magnesium can cause mental confusion, heart irregularities, insomnia, headaches and muscle cramping. And as many as half of all elderly people in the developed world are believed to be magnesium deficient!

This is especially noteworthy for those experiencing mental impairments, but those who drink often, use diuretics, and women who take birth control pills are also at an increased risk of magnesium deficiency which could have future ramifications.

Magnesium for Sleep Regulation and Brain Function

Additionally, because magnesium is a powerful antioxidant needed to help the body make energy and for nerve function, being deficient can be problematic in many interconnected ways. Taking magnesium supplements can also sometimes improve sleep, help prevent headaches and even improve brain function.

Magnesium L-Threonate for the Brain

Magnesium (Mg) deficiency in the brain is one of the commonalities of Alzheimer’s Disease patients. Magnesium l-threonate (MgT)is a magnesium compound capable of increasing magnesium levels in the brain.

But because it is difficult to boost brain magnesium levels with normal oral supplements, Guosong Liu, Director of the Center for Learning and Memory at Tsinghua University in Beijing, China along with a team of researchers at MIT developed the new magnesium compound, magnesium-L-threonate.

Magnesium L-Threonate MIT

Magnesium L-Threonate MIT Study

Once in the brain, it seems to have the ability to reduce amyloid deposits in the frontal cortex (the command center, decision making) and hippocampus (responsible for memory and spatial orientation) while protecting the dentate gyrus (formation of new memories) from synapse loss.

Studying magnesium l-threonate using rats demonstrated a correlation between protecting synapses and improved memory. Dr. Liu states in his 2010 study: “We found that increased brain magnesium enhanced many different forms of learning and memory in both young and aged rats.”

Magnesium l-threonate crosses the blood brain barrier making magnesium more available to the brain. It is hoped that the neurons will neither be over stimulated (leading to burnout) nor under stimulated.

It is a supplement that requires further study in human test subjects, but holds promise for students, the elderly, and pretty much anyone who wants the ability to focus productively for long durations. Animal studies have already indicated that magnesium l-threonate improves memory, mood, and learning.

Magnesium L-Threonate Dosage?

Because human studies are still required, magnesium brain supplement dosage remains a matter of guesswork. However, one brand of magnesium l-threonate capsules that I know of contains 670 mg/capsule, and recommends taking 2 capsules in the morning (1.34 grams), and 1 capsule in the evening (670mg).

Magnesium vs Magnesium L-Threonate on Supplement Labels

The labels may seem slightly confusing as they indicate different amounts of magnesium than magnesium l-threonate. The above, for example, contains 670 mg magnesium l-threonate but just 48 mg of magnesium per capsule.

Magnesium L-Threonate is also available in powder form. One source indicates the serving size contains 144 mg of magnesium and 2,000 mg of magnesium l-threonate. This suggests a starting point of 2000-2010mg of magnesium l-threonate per day and 144 mg of magnesium.

Anecdotal evidence indicates it may take 3000 mg/day to start perceiving the brain benefits we are hoping for.

Other Forms of Magnesium for the Body

Magnesium is also sometimes taken specifically because of its health benefits for the body and another form that does not need to cross the blood-brain barrier can be used instead of the more expensive magnesium l-threonate for these other purposes.

Other common forms of magnesium include magnesium citrate and magnesium aspartate. When supplementing with magnesium citrate or magnesium aspartate the recommended dose is usually between 320-420mg/day. The upper limit still considered safe is 750 mg/day.

Magnesium works best in conjunction with vitamin A and calcium. You may also receive some of the health benefits of magnesium by taking a bath with epsom salts because it contains magnesium sulfate. This can be a very relaxing way to wind down at the end of the day.

Food Sources of Magnesium

Some good sources of magnesium include: organ meats, nuts, seeds, tofu, dark green veggies, figs, and bananas. However, today, soil is often depleted of magnesium and many people do not eat organ meats, so it is a common deficiency and supplementation may be necessary for those at risk.

Magnesium L-Threonate Toxicity and SIde Effects

While magnesium toxicity is rare, too much magnesium l-threonate may cause the following side effects: nausea, throwing up, low heart rate and difficulty breathing.

Understand Risks and Benefits of Taking Choline With Piracetam

I stumbled upon choline and piracetam on my quest to learn about brain supplements because of their potential to enhance learning and memory. After learning about a nootropic called piracetam, I have heard repeatedly that piracetam works much better when paired with choline.

Some of the information on choline has been a bit contradictory so this is my attempt to understand the risks and benefits of taking choline with piracetam.

First of all, Choline, considered a B vitamin, is one of the rare substances that can cross the blood brain barrier. It helps maintain healthy synapses and membranes in the brain which tend to deteriorate with age.

It’s also needed to form phosphatidylcholine, the main phospholipid of cell membranes. When extracellular supplies of choline are inadequate, these membranes can be drawn upon to supply the choline needed to produce more acetylcholine.

choline function in the brain
Choline is the precursor for acetylcholine, the chemical neurotransmitter (or fuel) necessary for learning and memory support. The way I understand it is that piracetam increases the usage of acetycholine in the brain and therefore, people taking piracetam use up choline at a much faster rate, because it has to keep replacing the acetylcholine that is lost by all that extra brain activity you are doing…

How Does the Body use Choline to Improve Brain Function?

Choline has many purported uses. It may be beneficial in the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease, but some studies are controversial.

It may help reduce anxiety, and it may be especially beneficial for those with memory problems. Some evidence suggests an association between low levels of choline and anxiety, but taking too much may backfire leading to depression.

While no toxicity issues are currently known, that does not mean choline supplementation is without side effects (these are discussed in more detail below).

A really old study from the early 1980’s demonstrated behavioral memory benefits for rats given 100 mg/kg each of piracetam and choline over taking only one supplement by itself. Doing it like that (this is for research purposes only, not an endorsement), a 150 lb human lab rat (68 kg) would be given 68kgx100mg=or approximately 6,800 mg each of piracetam and choline…

But today, we also know that the Tolerable Upper Intake level of choline, for adults, has been set at 3.5 grams (3,500 mg) per day. Above 3,500 mg, adverse side effects may include low blood pressure, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, sweating, fishy body odor, blood thinning, and depression.

So, in other words, taking the amount of choline that was given to the rats in the 1980s would be a bad idea because it is almost twice as much as the upper limit set for choline intake.

To put this into perspective, a large egg contains about 112 mg of choline. According to that, you would have to consume more than 31 eggs to reach the upper limit, (or 1 pound 13 ounces of beef liver…which is rather a lot I’ve been told…) so if you are overdosing on choline, it is probably from over supplementation rather than food sources. And if you are depressed, don’t take it out on the chicken.

But…because the quantities of choline found in foods tend to be so minimal and because cooking can even destroy choline, I think supplementation is probably a good idea, but that gets us back to the question:


Answering that question has proved a challenge. I read that lecithin, although a source of choline, does not contain very much of it – you would need to take more than a cup?!?! That seems like a ridiculously high amount.

Sometimes after taking just a teaspoon of lecithin with piracetam I would get a really tired heavy feeling in the head, but would usually feel better after a nap. But who knows, maybe I just wasn’t getting enough choline.

I’ve also read many different testimonial claims about what works for people on an individual basis when it comes to supplementing choline and it’s important to remember that individual requirements vary, but brain fog and headaches when taking piracetam is likely an indication that you are not getting your choline needs met.

According to Quick Guide to Vitamins, Minerals and Supplements by Helen Pensanti M.D., a usual dose of choline should be between 200-500mg/day. However, that implies normal usage, which does not take into account the additional needs of a brain on piracetam, so, 800-1600 mg of choline is probably a better estimate range, and still safely below the upper intake limit of 3,500 mg/day.

Another option which I am seriously considering is to take alpha GPC at 500 mg/day instead. It is a little more spendy, but stronger so you can take less. Alpha GPC is derived from highly purified soy lecithin and is a natural source of choline rapidly delivered to the brain.

Some trial studies have already demonstrated statistically significant cognitive recovery for those suffering impairments after taking alpha GPC for 6 months. The usual dose of alpha GPC is between 300-1,200 mg/day according to

Would you try a simple 5 minute a day brain exercise that could improve your memory, grades or even income?

increase short term memoryIn this free video Gary Busey (sorry not the actor) chief researcher at Altius Life Labs shows a little brain trick that can double your short term memory capacity.

We think if you combine this memory booster with your daily nootropic regimen the sky’s the limit. Of course results may vary and all that but take a look at the vid, try the simple exercise and let us know how it works for you.

Brainy Benefits of Piracetam: Dosage and Potential Side Effects

Piracetam is a strong nootropic drug which has been improving the efficiency of the human brain since its discovery in the 1960s. It can boost brain functioning by stimulating the corpus callosum, allowing the two hemispheres of your brain to better communicate with each other, which improves the functioning of the central nervous system. This appears to result in a number of brain enhancing benefits, discussed in more detail below. Also, by reducing the accumulation of lipofuscin in brain tissues, piracetam seems to have the potential to reduce the oxidation from unsaturated fatty acids that lead to cell damage.
piracetam dosage and side effects
Piracetam is a brain supplement which is available without a prescription has been used safely for many years, by many people, and for many different reasons. It holds special promise for those with memory impairments, but has also been used by college students and others who want the ability to boost their focus.

Piracetam can increase recall, clear headedness, long term memory, reading ability, and even dream recollection.

Piracetam Helps Brain Use Oxygen

Piracetam has been used by people suffering from Alzheimer’s Disease, Parkinson’s Disease, dyslexia, vertigo, vertebrobasilar insufficiency, peripheral vestibular disorders, cerebral ischaemia, and cerebral palsy. It is useful for alcohol withdrawal delirium because it has the ability to enhance oxygen utilization in the brain.

Using Piracetam after a Stroke

Some stroke sufferers have shown signs of improvement after using piracetam, especially when suffering from language related difficulties such as asphasia. Piracetam may help with asphasia because it improves cross hemispheric communication in the brain. And better communication can result in additional benefits such as improving mood and decreasing depression, which is common after a stroke.

The memory boosting effects of piracetam might be even more pronounced when used in conjunction with other nootropics such as hydergine or Acetylcholine enhancing substances, like choline, and alpha-GPC.  Acetylcholine can significantly boost the overall memory enhancing benefits of piracetam while decreasing mental declines commonly associated with aging. So this is definitely an exciting discovery for those who wish to optimize their brain power longer!

By increasing blood flow to the brain, piracetam seems to increase EEG brainwave activity which is the natural state of mind associated with being alert and ready to learn.

Recommended Piracetam Dosage

Piracetam is taken orally and is commonly sold as a powder. This means you will need a good scale to measure the piracetam dosage that is appropriate for you.

How much you take will vary person to person, but a typical daily dose of piracetam ranges between 800mg and 2,400mg (2.4 grams) per day. But I have heard of others who take between 2,400-4,800mg/day which is divided into 3 daily doses of between 800-1,600mg/serving.

Many agree that it is often necessary to take a higher initial dose between 4-6g (4,000-8,000mg/day) for the first couple days to start noticing the effects, but that should be reduced to your maintenance level thereafter.

Peak results generally occur within 1.5 hours and the half life is 5 hours.

Effects and Side Effects of Piracetam:

Piracetam side effects are rare, however, low levels of Ach (acetylcholine) can cause headaches which is another reason to take a choline or lecithin supplement along with your piracetam.

The effects of using piracetam can be anywhere from subtle to dramatic. Generally, the more impairment you suffer, the more dramatic your results will be when using piracetam.

If you have tried piracetam we’d love to hear your experience in a comment below. The more personal information we gather the better we’ll all be in determining the benefit of nootropics.

Would you try a simple 5 minute a day brain exercise that could improve your memory, grades or even income?

increase short term memoryIn this video Gary Busey who is chief researcher at Altius Life Labs shows a little brain trick that can double your short term memory capacity (look for it a couple minutes in). If you combine this memory booster with your daily Piracetam intake you could see some great results. Of course results may vary and all that but take a look at the vid, try the simple exercise and let us know how it works for you.

Best Brain Supplements for Memory

The perception of our life experiences are very much dependent upon the quality of our memories. Our memories define and guide us. Without a healthy functioning brain, many things would simply not be possible. We rely on memory to find our keys in the morning, remember what we put in the fridge, and to help us prioritize those long to-do lists.

Or perhaps you’re thinking and pondering the future of your children and grandchildren… wondering what their quality of lives will be matter what you like to use your mind for, a good memory will help, and this is why I decided to learn more about the best brain supplements for memory, including nootropics, smart drugs, herbs and vitamins. As people age, “senior moments,” tend to increase and memory slowly but surely becomes a thing that can no longer be taken for granted.
brain supplements, nootropics and smart drugs
While our magnificent minds allow us to take many things for granted when all is going well, why not be proactive? The vitality of your mind will deeply impact the quality of your life and for this reason, taking care to support and enhance the mind, even if things are working right, could lead to future memory benefits.

As we age, some brain functions may suddenly or gradually decline. Some of these memory declines are health related, some are due to nutritional deficits, and others may be due to the environment. As cognitive functions decline, there can be a great deal of irritability and confusion, sometimes contributing to co-concurring issues such as depression or mood swings. And ironically, some of those who suffer from the greatest memory impairments are not aware of it at all—and it may be friends and family who notice the cognitive deficits, such as when a loved ones forgets a recent visitor or repeats stories.

Because the ability to remember is such a key component of our identities and so absolutely necessary to function independently, maintaining a well functioning brain is a top priority for many of us, and because of this, I am putting together this section on nootropics and other brain supplements that show promise in slowing down normal cognitive declines that come with aging, as well as enhancing and nourishing what is already working well.

Will Brain Supplements Help Me Improve My Memory?

Some of these brain supplements may even be beneficial for those with more serious health issues such as after a stroke or various forms of dementia. Always remember to do your own research because every person’s needs and diets are bound to be different and new studies come out all the time. I am not a doctor, and this is not intended to be medical advice. I just wanted to share what has taken me many hours to research and distill. I hope this will make it a little easier to refresh my own memory!


While obtaining a degree in psychology, I was fascinated by classes on memory, biopsychology, and gerontology, which led to many questions about the best supplements for the brain. This  spurred research into piracetam, hydergine, choline, alpha-GPC, vitamins like thiamine, ginkgo biloba, and magnesium l-threonate among others. Some of these brain supplements have been on the market for decades, while others are less tried and true and still await further study.

One thing education has taught me, however, is that oftentimes research is astronomically expensive and time consuming, so if there is not a lot of money to be made, sometimes these important studies have difficulty obtaining the funding they need to get off the ground. Remember, this information is a work in progress and is being made available “as is” and may be incomplete or contain inaccuracies. You should discuss these brain supplements and “Smart drugs” with your doctor to help you decide whether the benefits outweigh the risks and whether or not you feel comfortable being your own guinea pig.

For more information on these brain supplements continue reading:

Learn How to Identify Mold

What is Black Mold

Prevent Bathroom Mold

Mold Safety Tips & Considerations

Mold Removal Services

Eco-Friendly Mold Products

Prevent a Bathroom Mold Nightmare

How to Identify Mold: What Does Mold Look Like

With more than 1.5 million different kinds of fungi, it would be impossible to identify mold of every single kind, but the most common fungi found in households include:

Learn how to identify mold by these mold classifications:

    • Alternaria: Common allergen in humans, usually black or grey. Can cause hay fever, asthma and opportunistic infections in those with compromised immune systems.
    • Aspergillus: Can be found growing on starchy foods such as potatoes or bread but also damp walls, wet carpet and building materials. Can cause skin infections and lesions in both humans and animals as well as fever, cough and chest pain.
    • Basidiospores: Circular fungal colonies including ringworm


  • Chaetomium: Normally found in plant debris, soil and air can cause brain abscess, infections, peritonitis, and onychomycosis. Good hygiene such as showering with soap after working out with the use of common household cleaning products, Chaetomium infections can be avoided.
  • Cladosporium: Olive green, brown and black colonies. Grow on surfaces when moisture is present and dead or alive plant debris. May lead to infections of the toenails or skin, sinusitis, pulmonary infections or pneumonia if left untreated. The airborne spores are allergens and can be harmful to those with asthma. Prolonged exposure can weaken the immune system. Create VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds) associated with odors.
  • Stachybotrys: Toxic spores may produce dangerous trichothecene mycotoxins such as Satratoxin H. that lead to flu symptoms, sore throat, diarrhea, fatigue, hair loss, skin irritation, headaches and weakened immune system. Can be poisonous by inhalation. In a gelatinous mass, dangerous if disturbed, the dead spores can still make you sick. Horses and cattle have died from eating moldy hay with Stachybotrys mold.

Molds are naturally occurring microscopic fungi, which in nature serve a very useful purpose. Clusters of these microscopic filaments interlock forming larger clusters that look like fuzzy growths on organic matter.

In your bathroom mold may take on a different appearance-recognizable by the black, pink, orange, green or even white colors. Sometimes you can identify mold by its dark muddy appearance. If you have orange fuzzy mold in bathroom crevasses try this guide for removing mold with hydrogen peroxide.

In nature, mold helps to break down and decompose leaves and other dead organic matter. In your bathroom mold may feed on dead skin cells, soap scum, calking, walls, tiles, sheet rock, insulation, wood, wet carpet, towels, toys, paint…pretty much anything if conditions are right. Mold thrives in an environment that is warm, dark and humid. The first step in mold removal is to learn how to identify mold.

Identify Mold

How To Remove Mold: Black Mold Removal Safety Tips

Before attempting to remove bathroom mold yourself it is important to learn how to remove mold safely.

The following is a list of the basics which will be necessary for small areas of 10 square feet (3’x3′ roughly) or less.

For larger areas or areas that have flood or sewer damage, professional mold removal services should be utilized.

Tips on How to Remove Mold Safely

  • Wear an N-95 respirator to reduce your contact with airborne mold
  • Wear goggles, a pair that securely fits without any gaps. Remember mold and mold spores are tiny, you don’t want any getting in your eyes.
  • Wear a good pair of waterproof gloves.
  • Minimize contact with skin, wear protective clothing and be sure to wash them soon afterward.
  • Do not make contact with mold sensitive people with your work clothes on.
  • Mold sensitive persons should not be present while undertaking a mold removal project. Mold spores can fill the air, worsening the severity of their symptoms.
  • Use plastic sheeting to prevent air from contaminating other areas of the house during mold removal.
  • Open the bathroom window and have a fan to help blow air outside

mold removal: how to remove mold safely

Remember to keep mold prevention in mind when repairing mold damage and making upgrades.

A one piece shower unit without tile will better resist future mold damage because a smooth surface does not have cracks and tiles to hide behind.

A good bathroom ventilation system is a must.

Carpet in a bathroom will also tend to harbor mold so you’ll probably want to upgrade this to a wash and dry surface when you make your repairs.

And remember, if you start to feel sick or dizzy while renovating you should remove yourself from the exposure and go see your doctor. If you are still unsure how to remove mold safely or your mold damage is extensive professional mold removal services might be necessary.

Now that you have discovered a few tips on how to remove mold safely what products are best to get rid of mold for good? We have written up a pretty comprehensive list of products you can use to get rid of that disgusting mold safely and effectively.

Eco-Friendly Mold Removal Products

While there are many commercial products on the market today to help get rid of bathroom mold, not all mold removal products are created equal.

And certainly not all are environmentally safe or recommended for use around pets and their people.

Go Green with Environmentally Safe Mold Removal Products

Whether you have sensitive skin that is irritated by harsh chemicals, or you don’t want to be exposed to harsh fumes and chemicals, or have a compromised immune system-you deserve a bathroom mold removal product that is safe and effective to use.

eco-friendly mold removal products

First, consider your mold removal project-is it big, small or routine maintenance that you seek? There are a variety of mold removal products on the market in varying strengths and formulas.

The ones listed here are the safest most environmentally friendly mold removal products I have come across so far. If you have suggestions or recommendations please drop me a line at

Our dollars can and do make a difference. Products containing harsh chemicals like biocides, such as bleach, can do more harm than good as they create dangerous fumes and are bad for the environment.

Eco-Friendly Mold Removal Products: Safe Mold Removal

  • Molderizer-is an organic mold removal product that helps to remove mildew, soap scum and dirt. Molderizer says it is safe to be used around the elderly, children and pets. No bleach, chemicals or harsh fumes.
  • Vinegar– Depending on how you feel about the strong smell of vinegar, it will kill germs and help keep mold at bay, environmentally safe
  • Teflex: a water based polymeric disinfectant safe to use around humans and animals and environmentally safe. Teflex is non-toxic, odorless, colorless, non-carcinogenic and non allergenic. Can be applied to almost any surface including wood, metal, fabric, glass.
  • Quaternary-Ammon: biodegradable, water soluble, EPA registered, used to eliminate black mold, mildew, and bacteria. Can be used on porous and non-porous surfaces including ceilings, floors, carpet, and walls. Has been approved for use in schools and hospitals.
  • Thermapureheat: non-toxic way to improve indoor air quality by killing mold, bacteria, and insects. Also helps to dry out affected areas.
  • Germ Doc: Non-toxic and odorless, kills mold spores, helps remove mold from bathroom grout and mildew from paneling.
  • MoldZyme: Eco-Friendly mold remover and cleaner is a non-toxic product that also leaves an anti-magnetic coating to prevent dust and dirt, is safe around humans, animals, marine and plant life, odorless, and can be used on any water safe surface.
  • Diluted hydrogen peroxide– Read this report on how to do this safely – mold can actually spread if not removed correctly.
  • Ozone Generator Pro-8: This machine might be worthwhile if you have multiple uses for it. It is a powerful mold and odor killer, with an ozone output of 8,000 mphg (8 grams/hour). Ozone is a disinfectant 3,000 times more powerful than chlorine. This one is not to be used around humans or pets while in operation-the area must be vacated while the ozone generator works. It works by creating unstable ozone molecules (O3) that will attach then attach themselves to any particle they can find including biological pollutants such as bacteria and mold. Once the particle is oxidized it is no longer toxic, also destroying itself, leaving behind safe and breathable oxygen (02). So that is why you don’t want to be in the area while it is working-ozone is dangerous until it is oxidized.
  • Vital Oxide: non toxic, VOC free, people, pet and environmentally safe. Vital Oxide is antimicrobial and has many uses including the removal of mold and is also effective in controlling airborne pathogens and odors. Porous to penetrate surfaces such as walls, concrete, and wood. Contains no enzymes.
  • Safe Shield Organic Mold Cleaner Encapsulate-Safe Shield is available in a 32 oz size and comes in a variety of fragrances-palm olive, cherry, vanilla, lemon, orange or odorless. It is an organic product that states it is safe to use around pets and children. It is a bleach free product with no harsh fumes or chemicals. It should not be used on marble. Safe Shield will kill mold, dust mites and help remove musty odors.
  • Seventh Generation– Environmentally safe shower cleaner. Removes soap scum buildup and stains caused by mold and mildew. Not only mold removal products but a good line of eco-friendly household cleaners.
  • Recipe For Mold Prevention Maintenance-if you don’t have money to spend on a professional environmentally friendly mold prevention product, you can still be environmentally safe by giving this recipe a try. Just mix together vinegar, hot water and baking soda. Along with some good old fashioned elbow grease this mold removal recipe makes a good homemade solution to Eco-Friendly mold removal products.

Bathroom Mold: Identify, Prevent and Remove Black Mold

No one wants a bathroom full of mold, but before you can get rid of or even prevent bathroom mold, first you have to understand why you have it in the first place and where else bathroom mold might be hiding.

Mold spores are everywhere. It’s not uncommon for you to live with mold for long periods of time without realizing it. Mold is a type of fungi and fungi covers about a fourth of the Earth’s biomass.

What does this mean to you? Well, mold can grow pretty much anywhere and everywhere when conditions are right. Dark moist places like your bathroom are a big target for mold growth.

Mold is Asexual

A single mold spore can asexually reproduce trillions of additional mold spores via mitosis in just days! Not thousands, not millions-but TRILLIONS-that’s like the U.S national deficit worth of mold spores in just one bathroom!

Bathroom Mold Topics We’ll be Discussing:

Do You Have Black Mold?

Bathroom Mold Symptoms and Warning Signs

  • Is there a musty or sour smell in your bathroom?
    Black mold prospers in small dark rooms that are warm and humid and mold spores often fill the air giving off an unpleasant staleness.

    Mold is literally decomposing your bathroom surfaces. Not all mold will be detectable through your sense of smell, however, and you should never sniff mold. Breathing bathroom mold can cause serious health problems, especially in mold sensitive individuals and those with weakened immunity.

  • An earthy smell? If your bathroom has an earthy smell, it is probably coming from rotting wood and there is likely to be bathroom mold present.
  • Ants in the bathtub? Small ants in your bathroom or tub could be a sign you have hidden mold beneath your tiles or floorboards. Moist environments support mold and other life like ants. Also, carpenter ants, which are larger than termites, also prefer to make their nests in moist wood such as beneath a bathtub or behind a dishwasher.This is bad because they hollow out the wood for nesting. TIP: Using the blunt end of a screwdriver along the bottom of baseboards can help you detect hollow damaged wood.
  • A Muddy Appearance? Watch for warning signs like tile with a muddy appearance to it. Muddy looking tiles may in fact be black mold and can be on the walls or on the shower or bathroom floor.
  • Watch out for spongy floor boards, from rotting wood, when you step on the tiles.
  • Calking that is moldy or cracked.
  • Loose tiles. Poor tiling and calking jobs are extremely vulnerable to leaks, which can cause rotting beneath the tile surface. Moisture after a shower often clings to bathtub caulking, causing the substrate to expand making openings in the grout lines.A cracking separated appearance in your caulking is probably a good indication water has been making its way behind the shower walls and mold is probably growing behind the tiles. Many people believe tile and grout joints are sealed and waterproof, but this is often not the case.

how to identify bathroom mold in the bathtub
What does MOLD look like?

Spotting mold on your bathtub caulking, shower wall tiles or sink is the easy part because it’s ugly and stands out like a sore thumb. However there are many types of mold that can grow in bathrooms and unfortunately, even if you don’t see bathroom mold it doesn’t mean it’s not there.

When you are remodeling your bathrooms, sometimes you are in for an unpleasant shock as you discover bathroom mold that was growing beneath your old wallpaper or under the bathroom carpet. It can also seep through the cracks in your bathtub caulking and grow behind tiles and under the tub.

Dangerous Bathroom Mold

Is Mold Making Me Sick?

While most kinds of mold are not life threatening for healthy people, for people with weakened immunity, including people with asthma, babies and the elderly, a bathroom mold problem can be a waking nightmare. Exposure to black mold can lead to immediate or delayed reactions, so the true cause is not always apparent.

These symptoms may include dizziness, respiratory issues, flu-like symptoms, body aches, skin rashes, seizure, sinusitis, fungal infections of the lungs, depression, irritability, coughing and more.

Thankfully, only around 80 of the 1,500,000 species of fungi are currently known to be allergenic… but for those who are already suffering from allergies that’s more than enough to cause some alarm.

If you or someone in your family is frequently or inexplicably sick, mold is probably a suspect. The most common household fungi include Alternaria, Aspergillus, Basidiospores, Chaetomium, Cladosporium, Penicillium, Periconia and Stachybotrys.

Dangerous Mold are ones that produce Volatile Organic Compounds, or VOCs

VOC’s cause upper respiratory distress by triggering the release of histamines in our immune cells and that can lead to pulmonary diseases like asthma.

What is Toxic Black Mold?

You have to be extremely cautious when it comes to black “toxic” mold, or stachybotrys chartarum, which can even be fatal. These molds create microtoxins, a toxic substance which, when a person is exposed to high quantities can cause serious injuries, especially to children with mold allergies.

For a small price you can usually get a mold testing kit to determine the type of mold you have, or you may want to have a professional, trained in mold removal, to come to your home to run the test for you.

How to Get Rid Of Mold

After identifying the bathroom mold problem, decide which steps are needed for mold recovery. If the contaminated area is confined to a fairly small area that is less than 10 square feet, you may be able to address the mold problem yourself-but if the area is larger or if there is extensive mold damage due to sewer or flood damage, a professional specializing in mold removal should be brought in. Removing mold can be very hazardous without proper Safety Gear and Considerations.

Mold Prevention Tips

  • Make an environment unfavorable to mold growth. Mold thrives on moist surfaces- especially dark warm crevices. You can start by simply letting some light into your bathroom by opening the curtains if there’s a window in there. If there is not a window, you can leave a light on now and then-preferably one that is energy efficient or has the full spectrum of light similar to natural sunlight.
  • Opening a window to allow fresh air in may also help, however, if you happen to live in a humid climate-such as Florida, it may be wiser to simply turn on the air conditioning and make use of fans.
  • Control humidity to prevent bathroom mold.
    Keep humidity levels below 60% at all times. 30-50 percent humidity is far better. Some air conditioning units allow you to set your humidity level, otherwise you can buy a Relative Humidity Meter to keep track of your humidity. I’ve seen them online for less than $100.
  • Good ventilation is a must. When you take a shower, the steam accumulates on the surfaces throughout the bathroom. A bathroom fan helps draw excess steam out of your bathroom. If you don’t have a fan, and keep the door shut while showering, the steam has nowhere else to go so the condensation will collect around your bathroom on places such as the mirror, ceiling and shower walls. This practically sends an invitation for mold spores to grow.
  • After showers, use a squeegee to wipe excess water off your shower walls.
  • Towel dry surfaces with excess moisture such as floors, walls, and even the ceiling (Tip: you can put a towel on the end of a broom for better reach)
  • Keep fewer products in your bathtub for mold to grow on. Shampoo & conditioner bottles, body wash, razors, shaving gel, bath salts, washcloths, loofah sponges, cups, toys and other items left in and around your bathtub provide convenient crevices for mold spores to grow and hide behind. These items should be limited in a mold prone bathroom, and the ones you do leave in your bathroom should be cleaned with a mold removal product and dried thoroughly.
  • Wash bathroom rugs frequently to prevent bathroom mold
  • Use a mildew resistant shower curtain or wash shower curtains a couple times/year in the washing machine, or replace it as needed.
  • Keep your towels free of mold. A moldy towel will smell sour or stale. You can add vinegar to the wash to help freshen them. Never throw wet towels in a hamper or on the floor. Always hang towels up to dry. If your bathroom is prone to mold, it might help to hang your towels up outside to air dry.
  • Clean your bathroom regularly with products that will not endanger your family’s health or the environment
  • Beware of Abrasive Products. Abrasive cleansers and scrubbing products can cause bathroom surfaces to wear out more quickly which also makes the bathroom more susceptible to mold growth.

Moldy caulking or sealant in your shower?

bathroom moldStrip away calking and sealant that has come loose or been infected with mold.

Clean the surface thoroughly and then put new sealant on. You do not want to delay because water will seep through the caulking and then you will have mold beneath the tiles and behind your shower walls. If there is already mold behind your tiles, the new calking will probably soon begin to crack again. At some point you’ll want to remove the bad surfaces, or let a professional do it.

Time to Renovate Your Bathroom?

The next time you find yourself renovating your bathroom, you can help avoid bathroom mold pitfalls by installing a fiberglass shower pan which is more effective against mold and less expensive than a tile one.

bathroom mold preventing shower kit

Also, avoid using sheet rock or green back as backing for tile in wet or damp environments like a bathroom. Instead, to help prevent mold and rot beneath tile, a better option is to use concrete board or something called the Schluter System. The Schluter-Shower System creates a waterproof barrier beneath the tiles at the top of the system rather than beneath it as some other waterproofing systems do, so it is more mold resistant.

* Mold retardant paint.
Mold retardant bathroom paint may help ward off mold for a few years

* Is it time to upgrade your shower?
Replace your tile shower wall with a one piece shower unit, a smooth surface that mold will not adhere to, without all the leaks and cracks for mold to grow in.

* Mold beneath carpet?
If you have carpeting in your bathroom, you should replace it with an easy to clean surface instead such as tile or linoleum.

Mold Volatile Organic Compounds versus Biocides

While an estimated 10% of the population are sensitive to fungi we still know surprisingly little about our health as it pertains to the world of fungi. But considering fungi covers approximately 25% of the Earth’s biomass, an environmentally friendly approach to mold control is vital for the long term health of our families and the planet.

I do not recommend products with bleach or ammonia for mold removal. Bleach is strong stuff-it is a biocide. A biocide is a chemical that has the capacity to kill all forms of life. Bleach can cause severe skin and eye irritation. Never breathe the vapors. Never mix bleach with other chemicals (that includes vinegar, ammonia, acids, detergents, etc).

The bottle even warns not to mix bleach with organic matter because it will release chlorine gas-and dead organic matter is just what mold in the bathroom and elsewhere like to feed on. Chlorine gas can be fatal and is also irritating to eyes, lungs, and mucous membranes.

Ammonia can be irritating to eyes as well as the respiratory system. Be sure the products you use to kill mold are not making you sicker! Choose environmentally friendly mold removal options instead.

Can Dead Mold Make You Sick?

The other reason I do not recommend using bleach or ammonia to kill mold is because just killing mold may not even solve your problem! I know it seems unfair, but yes, dead bathroom mold can still make you sick! For true mold prevention, it is necessary to understand why mold is in your bathroom to begin with in order to prevent new spores from growing.

Remember, spores are teeny tiny little things and with literally thousands if not trillions floating around, your efforts will be best spent in preventing new mold spore growth rather than simply killing and re-killing the bathroom mold you can see.

The EPA on the Dangers of Mold

The United States Environmental Protection Agency warns that the longer mold grows the more damage and health effects it can cause. Please don’t wait, if you think you have a mold problem, the time to act is now.

Disclaimer: does not warrant the accuracy or completeness of information provided on this site or that of it’s affiliates, although we do our best to provide accurate information, it may contain errors or be incomplete and is being provided “as is” and is for research purposes only. We cannot and will not assume any liability for it’s use. User assumes all risk. The use of this information indemnifies us from all claims. Should you have any health related questions or concerns about bathroom mold please contact your physician or health care provider.